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Make Life What You Want It To Be

Strong power create your a variety of smart life style, create a colorful and smart home experience. Purify, Refresh, and Enjoy good living environment for a Healthier a happy and high quality life.

Lead A High Quality Life

Alexson wants every family to live a quiet and healthy life, using advanced technology and excellent performance to improve life quality. Our philosophy is that technology changes life and enjoy healthy living!

Your home is your safe-haven, and when it's operating at peak cleanliness, so are you.

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  • Great Water Fountain

    I bought this as a backup to the one we already have. Because we have the fountain, Jasmine is drinking more water, important for senior cats' health. I think she likes that the water level is higher up and always flowing.

    Drink more water 
  • Portable Air Purifier

    The Cobectal Air purifier works great for an office, bedroom, and even for a medium-sized family room. The machine includes a removable/cleanable HEPA filter, and has LED display that can be turned off so lights are on when you really need a pitch-dark room.

    Collecting dust particles 
  • Excellent Dehumidifier

    I am so happy I came accros this dehumidifier. I use it in my basement and it has absolutely improved the quality of air in our basement. It is really easy to put together and use. Also i like it that it is very quiet when working. Overall very pleased with this product.

    Keeps our basement dry